On another note ...
Matt Haig, novelist, journalist, and author of How To Stop Time is quoted as saying, “Beauty breeds beauty; truth triggers truth. The cure for writer's block is therefore to read.” Ordinarily, I would agree.
The problem for me is that I have been reading a rather lush novel; so lush, in fact, that I am feeling a bit deflated, and have begun to compare that novel with the blog posts and poems that I write.
So, I have decided to put The Starless Sea, by Erin Morgenstern down for a while and return to my many books of rhyming poetry. Reading pages and pages of verse always feeds my muse amply.
My problem with writing in my blog is not a matter of writer’s block so much as my need to feed on an appropriate literary diet. Come on Yates, come on Samuel Taylor Coleridge, let us sit down to feast!