At the Clockwork Alchemy Convention in April, I had the privilege of selling and signing many copies of Echoes at the Author's Table. I'm assuming that tomorrow night's book signing event will be a similar situation, except that those who are expected to attend this event will include city dignitaries, and some local residents who I know fairly well.
Normally, I don't get too nervous about performing at public events. Over the past several years, I've often found myself instructing school children and adults while working at a local Tech Museum, and as a volunteer at a NASA installation. I've learned from past experience that I have a bit of a knack for public performance, so to speak.
Still, I am sensing a little apprehension as this event draws nigh. Hmm... I've never written a poem about stage fright, so now is maybe a good time to give that a go. After all, what good is such uneasiness if I can't put it to use, right? What better way to discover it's essential nature than by detailing it in a poem?
My prefered method is to allow whatever muddled thoughts and feelings are aswirl within me to pour out of my pen and onto the paper before me. I guide them as they emerge and become tangible, observable, and recognizable things. I believe that this has saved me from paying a therapist, on many occasions ... no offence to any therapists out there.
Since I expect to be busy tomorrow with book signing prep, I've decided to publish this post a day early. In the meantime, I think I'll go play with my apprehensions, look stage fright square in the eye, and see what comes of it.