Emily Thompson, Heatherly Takeuchi, Kelly Cozy, and Stanley Thompson, are rather exceptional people. Each is supportive and insightful, and this blog and Echoes would be in tatters without their generous help.
Emily urged me to go to print after she self-published Clockwork Twist, Waking. Her help with designing Echoes, formatting it, and sending it out to be printed, as she had done with her own book, made Echoes happen.
A few days ago, Heatherly sent me a text, citing a few errors in her copy, and early copy that is, of Echoes. A freelance writer who covers current events in San Benito County, Heatherly is a gifted writer and an experienced editor.
Busy Kelly Cozy is the author of three gripping suspense novels: Ashes, Reckoning, and the Day After Yesterday. Currently employed as an editor and proofreader, she offers potent, relevant ideas that are a huge help.
I am a most happy recipient of the comments that Kelly occasionally leaves for me here. Her take on my work is refreshing and reaffirming. Not much gets past her, and I do stand corrected now and then, (wink wink).
Stanley Thompson is a talented painter, musician, and composer. He is also a veteran Technical Writer. His knowledge of English grammar astounds me as he surgically excises my grammatical errors, and my overused commas.
As I have often said before, I grew up writing in a vacuum, but now I am in the company of some pretty brilliant and most helpful people. At this point, my skills in poetry have matured enough to truly benefit from their advice.
I now realize that all those years spent alone with my volume of The Oxford Book of English Verse, learning to write my poetry from mentors who were long deceased, have given way to a most auspicious and fertile environment.
Oh, if only Echoes had availed itself to their scrutiny before going to its preliminary print. But no, I've learned an important lesson: never ever underestimate the power and importance of timing. Echoes is available now, I am surrounded by brilliant, helpful friends now, and that is what matters.