Elizabeth Watasin, renowned illustrator, animator, and comic book writer, had to beg off from attending A.P.E. with us due to a minor injury. She was, however, represented at the table by two of her novels, The Dark Victorian:Risen, and The Dark Victorian: Bones.
Emily and I had decided to branch out into a wholly new arena, and I honestly had no idea how this was going to go. As it turned out, Echoes, Neo-victorian Poetry was the first book to sale at our table.
I will not lie here and say that we made a killing at A.P.E., but we each sold several copies of our books, totally exhausted all of our respective stacks of business cards, and made many new friends.
Many who came to table #218 knew Elizabeth's illustration work well, and were delighted to see her books there. For Emily and I, this event served as our introduction to a whole new class of fans.
Emily and I are both Steampunk-centric, and we feel most at home in Steampunk events, but I am very glad that we did A.P.E. 2013. I wish to thank everyone who came to see us at our table.