In the end, and on top of everything else, Seattle stole us away for the entire week of Christmas. I've missed my mid-week and end-week post deadlines since my last, and am most unhappy about it. My most sincere apologies for the prolonged and only vaguely anticipated silence here.
For some time now, I have been looking into some way of automatically uploading ready-and-waiting posts here on some manner of date related schedule. That would have kept the ball rolling, at least. I do so love writing on the fly about the "now" of things, but I am looking into it this feature.
All of that being said, I do have an announcement to make:
On January 10, 2014, beginning at 8:00 pm, Emily Thompson, author of Clockwork Twist, Waking, and I with Echoes, Neo-Victorian Poetry, will be in a Steampunk book signing event at Caffe Frascati in Downtown San Jose, on January 10, 2014! We will have a table near the front door and may, if enticed, be reading from our books.
If you live in or near San Jose, California, or are planning to visit our burgeoning area in mid-January, we warmly invite you to attend this event and to visit our book-signing table. Fore more information about Caffe Frascati, please click here, where you can preview their enticing menu.
On behalf of Emily and myself, we look forward to seeing you there!