Oh, the disadvantages of putting off till tomorrow what needed doing months ago. My blogging boat has drifted in these idle waters for far too long. Well, not entirely "idly." There is the occasional ripple.
I have often looked in on this page, typed a word or two, and then ever so easily acquiesced to doleful indifference when "nothing at all" registers. What I mean is, it registers on me that nothing registers.
Best, at that point, to step away and try again later. If you've read through a bit of this blog you'll realize that I have been here many times before. This time, however, I have exceedingly overstayed.
There's a repetitious note in my calendar titled, "BLOG," which nags at me on Thursdays. So, I'd have another go at it, and so on. But, what do you know? I've actually composed a few paragraphs here!
Apparently, the impetus is in the doing and needs no whip master at all. Had I simply typed incoherent gibberish something would have eventually coalesced out of that morass of words, words, words.
Okay then, oar in the water and off we go in my blogging boat ...