I, for instance, can look at a computer program, such as Weebly, and not have the faintest inkling of what I'm looking at, because I lack the requisite technical conceptual framework to do so. It's just all dots and dashes to me.
I am equally at a loss whenever I need to refer to a road map, which I sadly perceive as a disorganized plumbers schematic. This is what I mean when I say that I am not at all tech-savvy, though I've used computers since 1986.
Words and rhyming schemes and meter make a great deal of sense to me, and I am very comfortable with them. But now I'm writing a blog, which requires not only words, but at least some tech management. Alas ...
About six months ago, I suddenly lost the ability to "reply to blog comments." No matter what I read or who I talked to about this, I made absolutely no progress in understanding what had changed. It was all so very frustrating.
My friend, Cali Gilbert, author of the It's Simply series and It's Simply Serendipity: Four Steps to Manifesting a Life of Bliss, sent me a page from her Weebly blog which I compared with my own early, working replies.
Wait a minute! Oh! You can't reply while in "Edit" mode? 0_o Seriously???
So, I had been lacking the correct questions to ask about this issue ... and this had me me on a rabbit chase through erroneous answers and misdirected internet searches. All I really needed was that visual clue for comparison.
Now, at long last, I can joyously announce, "Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog, and I will reply as time allows" ... or as I should more properly say it, "as Weebly allows." Thank you so much, Cali!