This sometimes amuses me, because I’ve been using computers since 1985, I generally “get” geek jokes, and I am enamored of all that computers can do. I am, I suppose, little more than a faux-geek.
And it’s all so very fun and so forth until my blog post, which I have labored over for a few hours, mysteriously disappears when I click “Save.” Wait! I know I clicked “Save,” so where is my post?!?
I am fortunate to have resident geeks in my household, who shake their heads at my ignorance while attempting to fix whatever it was that went wrong. “Okay," they ask, "what did you do?”
"I clicked 'Save!'” I insisted, “but my post is totally gone!” Alas, this time, my work proved to be irretrievable. Weebly, for all it’s ease of use, is a most frustrating, and unreliable blog medium. /(>_<)\
I was gently advised to compose, and save, my posts in some other file from that point forward. “Oh, what a bother …” I whined, as I returned to my subject and began typing it out all over again.
In truth, whether its the workings of Weebly or computing in general, what little that I do understand has come to me by osmosis, as in eavesdropping while my geeks discuss all that tech stuff.
I can’t make anything of diagrams or programs. I get lost while staring at a road map. And please don’t ask me which way is North! Spatially and technically, I am blind.
Ah, but when I’m working on a poem, I know the territory well, and the map that leads me on is potently clear. This is where I, too, might find myself somewhat confused, but I am never ever lost.