Ah, but that's not entirely true. I once wrote a poem titled Emery, which brought out a whole range of reactions. None of these reactions were quite alike, but they were all very intensely felt by the readers. "This is me!" I heard on many occasions. When I'd ask for their interpretation of the poem I was amazed by what they related to me. Each time, I could clearly see what they saw in Emery, could understand how it applied to them, but I had never consciously put those meanings into the piece.
I suppose that such little gems of unexpected insight just "happen" from time to time, and that I shouldn't press for more when it just isn't there. That my poems are "liked" can be good enough, I guess, but to know that what I write has an impact, however subtle, is a sweet reward that I hope to savor again.
At the moment, I am awaiting a proof of my new book, Echoes, Neo-Victorian Poetry, and hoping that we are finally done with the edits. More on the next week...