Caroline, our gracious hostess at Caffe Frascati, and her staff, could not have made us feel more welcome. Emily Thompson and I were invited to proceed with our event as we saw fit, which included me reading some of my poems.
This wonderful cafe hosts all manner of occasional performances, including amateur opera night, local bands, and open mike nights, but this may well have been the first Steampunk flavored event they'd ever had there.
Fortunately, no one appeared to pay me much attention as I approached the microphone, which gave me a moment to breath and to orient myself. Then, mike comfortably in hand, I addressed the room, introducing Emily and me.
As I had prescribed in my posts, my approach became that of the teacher, wherein I explained the history and basics of Steampunk as I know them. So far, so good. Poems at my side, in no particular order, I began to read.
In appreciation of our venue, where delicious coffee and its variants are served, I started reading my poem, Coffee. This was well received, and I was actually startled by an enthusiastic applause. (Shhh... I'm teaching. LOL!)
I then introduced Emily's novel, Clockwork Twist, Waking, read my poem, Twist, and announced that her second novel in the series, Clockwork Twist, Trick, would be available withing a few days. And so on, and so on.
Interestingly, one or two of my poems did not receive a response, which was grounding for me, but why this was so I do not know. Even Emily, who listened from our table, didn't know, but there was more applause than not.
At one point, all were invited to our Steampunked seller's table nearby, and I took a seat behind our books. Genuine interest in our work was generated that night, and several people approached us over the next few hours.
Caroline came up to me on her way out and gave heartfelt praise, adding, "you're good at this." Wow! She then invited us to return, whenever we were ready, to give another such performance, which I gratefully accepted.
Many of the guests came over and talked with us, thanked us, and signed and sold some of our books. I even spoke into the mike once more, just to do it,
and felt with a great deal less apprehension than I had expected.
So, I would not go so far as to say that I love the microphone, but I no longer loath it nor fear it. That is a huge success for me: my teaching approach worked! And, all in all, it was a good night for "us."